
Linz eats: Plain Vanilla

Wersja polska

I don't have a sweet tooth. I prefer salty than sweet and I would change all the chocolate in the world for a bowl of homemade popcorn. But sometimes I have this irresistible urge of eating something sweet. You know, these embarrassing moments when you dig into your kitchen cupboards or hiding places hoping for some emergency cookies that you might have hidden there some time ago. If it ever happens to you, I know a perfect place where you can deal with this need and spend some nice time- Plain Vanilla.

This place screams sweet. One look at the pink-green interior, tasty looking cupcakes and muffins and you know that you are in the right place for feeling like something sweet. 

Plain Vanilla is a place serving cupcakes, muffins (in case you don't know difference between those two: muffins are made of dough with some extras inside like nuts, banana or chocolate chips while cupcakes have also creamy topping), cookies and lollipops. The choice of cupcakes and muffins is quite wide, you can find there many classic flavours as tiramisu, Oreo or banana but also some more exotic like kiwi or mandarin. Some names of the cookies don't actually tell you which flavour they have (like Jungle Fever :o) but the description may help you choosing your favourite one. To drink Plain Vanilla offers many types of coffee but also tea and organic juices. Both food and drinks can be ordered to go. 

All cupcakes and muffins are baked directly in Plain Vanilla- you can find there a baking corner, where everything is prepared. In Plain Vanilla they don't use any baking mixes but big amounts of flour, eggs, butter (proven: I saw a huge pile of a butter on the top of the kitchen cupboard) and any other necessary ingredients, depending on the type of the baking. During my visit in Plain Vanilla I saw preparation of decoration for Christmas cupcakes. As the decorations are very tiny (so that you can put them on the top of the cupcake), this work requires a lot of patience and precision. I appreciate places where you can see how the food is prepared. First, it's interesting, and second, it usually means that the products are prepared honestly with good quality ingredients. 

We went there and everything was looking so tasty that we didn't know what to choose. In the end we chose Oreo cupcake and I decided to sacrifice myself for my blog- I ate both Apple Pie muffin and Jungle Fever cupcake. To drink we chose cappuccino- very good choice, the coffee was tasty and had a very well whipped milk foam, which actually stayed on the top of the coffee and didn't disappear after 5 minutes.

Oreo cupcake and cappuccino
Jungle Fever cupcake and Apple Pie muffin

If you want to try baking and decorating on your own, in Plain Vanilla you can find many tools and decorations with which you can make your bakings look beautiful. You can also order there bigger amounts of cupcakes for any kind of event (wedding or any other). The day I was there they had delivered 300 cupcakes to the local library for some event -they had a tiny book on the top, really cute-. 
Edible glitter and baking cups
Decoration for bakings
What I like the most about Plain Vanilla is that it's not only a bakery- it's actually the whole cupcake institution. In Plain Vanilla Academy you can attend different baking courses such as cupcake designer course, theme cupcake course, cake decorating workshop, etc. 

Plain Vanilla offers also baking mixes from which you can prepare your own muffins or cupcakes at home (no worries, no unnecessary chemical ingredients). They come with recipe in many different flavours like cranberry-coconut, walnut or vanilla. If you are looking for a nice sweet gift for someone, you can find there also cute cookie cans. 

Baking mixes and cookie cans

So if like me in this time of the year you also feel like sweets more often than usually, visit Plain Vanilla and enjoy its variety of colours and tastes.

Plain Vanilla, Hessenplatz 4, Linz, Austria
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 10:00 to 18:00, Saturday 10:00 to 16:00

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