
Linz eats: Die Brüher

Wersja polska

Since I've moved to Linz I was looking for some nice coffee place, where you could enjoy time with friends or go there to read a book with a nice cup of coffee and homemade cake. I couldn't find such a place so I almost accepted the fact that our only option was McDonald's Cafe. Then one day when I was crossing Nibelungenbrücke I saw this place right afer opening and I almost fell off my bike. There it was, looking pretty even from the other side of the street, a perfect coffee house- Die Brüher.

After I saw Die Brüher for the first time I did some research about this place. Die Brüher was established by Michael Holaschke, his girlfriend Anela and their friend Nadja, a group of people whose passion for coffee and food is visible through their attention to details which make the place so nice and cosy. I read an interview in OÖ Nachrichten with the co-owner, Michael, (to find here click) and it turned out that coffee is not only his passion, but also his area of expertise. So I really felt like I needed to visit this place.

We choose a perfect day to go there for two reasons. First, it was a cold, rainy morning, so it couldn't be anything better than a nice cup of coffee and sweets. Second, because this day they served cinammon rolls, which I love. Yummy. So we have had our cinnamon rolls and apple pie (some of us even two pieces ;)) with coffee. Everything was delicious. 

Cinnamon rolls and chai coffee
Apfelkuchen and capuccino

We met there a lovely barista, Adriana, who has been working previously in a coffee house in Hamburg. She shared with us a bit of her experience and knowledge about preparing coffee. Adriana explained us that each type of coffee requires another treatment, each step of preparation differs a little depending on which kind of coffee you want to prepare. Also preparation of a milk foam, a key element of capuccino or cafe latte, is not as easy at it seems- could be a quite tricky part of the whole process, so you have to really pay attention!

Vintage coffee machine

In Die Brüher the coffee beans are freshly grained, so you can be sure that you get a nice, fresh coffee there (proven by the great coffee smell spreading all around the place). If you aren't such a coffee fan, don't worry. You can find there a nice selection of tea or non-alcoholic drinks. I need to come back there and try their ginger-lemon or blackcurrant-peach tea, they must taste great! Maybe in the future they will be offering some freshly squeezed juice in the menu (also in to-go option)? I would be definitely tempted!

Lov Tea and Kusmi Tea
Die Brüher offers a variety of home-made cakes, like apple pie, cheesecake, but I also ate there a nice piece of bread with creamy cheese. During the week you can find there also home-made tiramisu and marble cake. However, nothing beats cinammon rolls <3! I also count on some breakfast menu in the future :)

The place is cosy and nicely decorated. I like the minimalist design, white bar and furniture, interesting pictures on the wall. I really like also the logo which appears on to-go cups and wall clock.

Don't hesitate to go to Die Brüher on your own- there are some books and newspapers available (I hope that the books collection will grow with the time, I really liked some of them). Or you can simply have a conversation with someone from the staff, they are always very friendly :)

Well, what can I say, Die Brüher loves coffee and I love Die Brüher! It is a place made by people with passion who really enjoy what they do. So if you are looking for some cosy place with great atmosphere to hide from November greyness you should visit Die Brüher (and do it soon untill there are still some cinnamon rolls left!).

Die Brüher, Hauptstraße 4, Linz, Austria
Opening hours: Monday-Saturday 09:00-19:00 

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